btw ADM wasn't CD-only,- i own the only vinyl copy of it that i've seen, so i suppose they didn't make many.

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wow that is news to me! Never saw one even at Blacks Road

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I have one also. Can’t remember where or when I got it. But it shrieks when you need to hear its pumping assault unlike anything else!

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that's it. My (as we now know unreliable) memories are that neither Pete nor I owned a turntable; and that the sound system at Blacks Road was a portable cassette player (I'm sure I first heard The Strokes on this) and something like a CD walkman plugged into an amp. When I wanted to hear A.D.M. again a few years ago I could only find one or two tracks on the internet and no downloads - the YouTube I made for A.D.M. I made from a Soulseek download, the only place I could find it. Say what you like about the morality of online piracy, it has preserved and distributed a great deal of art that would otherwise be unavailable or in many cases lost altogether.

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